Are you used to buy thing with brand?Base on the staff where we bought this guess wallet,guess are the one of the expensive brand.They are expensive but affordable,good in quality also.One thing that's why we bought this because it's not leather .This is cloth.I had been a leather bag sadly was destroyed easily.So,i thought always next time and the time i look for thing with brand and cloth.It was 500 kroner price and the value this in Philippines money are maximum 4000-4500 pesos.Wow it so expensive!
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Are you bored?
Are you guys feel bored?We know mostly people complain feeling bored if there's nothing can do it.
Some people learned to had work or to be busy every minute.There's one of this they have daily and permanent work.They can forget the time and the time can pass very quickly.In the meantime,we need to adopt our body move.
In my ways,even are you just staying in the house make a ways can do to make a time pass.
The best thing can do,try to go out and ride in a bike.On this picture here,i been biking from house until in the people park.I guess the best idea,if you guys had a bike,why you will try to used it ?Biking is my one and the best hobbies,if my husband not busy and work we are biking together.We are biking in 42 kilometer.From 8 o'clock in the evening until we got home almost 12 o'clock.I know you will be wonder why we are biking in the night?As you can know now here in Norway are 24 hours light because it is summer season here.Biking can get more good in our body that we need.If we prefer to go out and have some walking,biking and another thing can do maybe it will be not bored.
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